Oops, a Small Compromise…
By Prof. Ernest ThornberryDecember 17th, 2006
My Dear Bunglehorn,
Just a quick heads up, we’ve had a couple setbacks in our Ukraine division. Apparently a couple lieutenants allowed their patients to cast a sweeping light on cases of infanticide in one of our stem cell harvesting programs. Of course, the Enemy’s “Holy See”, guided by the Enemy Himself, has gathered intelligence on our plans for decades. Why we entrust such zealous humans like these stem cell inspectors to lowerarchy newbies, I’ll never know. Whoever is managing this BBC reporter, Matthew Hill needs intervention, I’m disheartened to even see this story break. No matter, these decisions are made at higher pay grades than mine.
Meanwhile, you and I have to deal with it. Our Media SMEs are in overdrive as we speak and expect to squelch the story this weekend. Keep focused on the mission and do your best to steer your patient’s mind elsewhere. Perhaps you can pique his interest in that candid upskirt shot of Britney Spears? Heh heh, we got a lot of mileage out of that one recently.
If you get a sense of the enemy calling him to prayer, by all means, call for backup.
Warmest Regards,
2 Comments to “Oops, a Small Compromise…”
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No worries. This isn’t exactly a hard-hitting piece by the BBC. I expect other main stream media outlets to gloss over this one and, of course, there will not be any follow up.
Also, our News Producer SMEs will never allow their patients to connect this story with the larger stem cell debate. They are doing an excellent job of confusing the matter and portraying embryonic stem cell opponents as heartless buffoons. Simply by burning strawmen! These men are so foolish, it’s laughable.
December 17th, 2006 @ 7:52 AM
@ Ukraine007, I wouldn’t be so cavalier about the foolishness of men, their Guardians are clever indeed. Let us hope you are right.
December 17th, 2006 @ 8:21 AM