What is RSS?
RSS (short for really simple syndication) is a way to receive regularly updated web content and gather it in one place for easy reading. Instead of constantly checking multiple blogs, news sites, podcasts and other sources throughout the day, one can subsrcibe to “feeds” with an RSS reader (often referred to as an “aggregator”), which will automatically keep itself updated with the latest developments as they happen. It’s an efficient and pain-free method of keeping tabs on the world.
Recommended RSS Readers
Feed Demon
Google Reader
NetNewsWire for Mac
My Yahoo!
Social Bookmarking & News Sharing
There are several ways that you can bookmark The Wigglebrick Intercepts and share them with others. These services are all free, but some form of registration is required for each.
When you “Digg” a story, it gets added to the site, where other users can Digg it themselves if they like it. When a page receives enough Diggs, it moves to the top of the list and gains more attention.
Reddit works in a simliar fashion to Digg. You submit a page, other users vote up or down on it, and stories with the most positive votes rise to the top of the heap.
del.icio.us allows you to bookmark a page and add tags, or descriptive keywords, to identify it. You can then share your del.icio.us page with colleagues and your saved bookmarks will be grouped with similary tagged pages from around the web.
ma.gnolia allows you to save a page and add tags for browsing and searching. You can share your ma.gnolia page with friends and recommend pages to other groups, such as the Catholic group.