No Amnesty for the Aborted
By Prof. Ernest ThornberryJuly 3rd, 2007
Greetings Bunglehorn,
The US Catholic Bishops are urging Amnesty International to reverse their abortion policy. Thankfully, we can count on the MSM to ignore their plea. This is important because many people may not realize Amnesty International’s policy has slid from allowing abortions in cases of rape, incest and the jeopardy of the mother’s life to decriminalization in all cases. Conservatives note how their radical left turn is alienating their own members and places the group staunchly in our favor. It’s a big win for us given AI’s foundation by a Catholic layman motivated by life and social justice issues.
I know your patient is unsure what to think about abortion. Like many fence-riders, he’s sympathetic to the concept of an unwanted pregnancy. It’s best if you weight his sympathy toward the mother and away from the child. Ideally, he’ll come to believe the child isn’t a child at all. It’s funny, there is no argument that she is a mother, yet so many convince themselves the object in her womb, the very child that defines her as a mother, is merely a clump of cells, an embryo, a fetus, even a parasite. Anything but a child!
Here is another lesson in sympathy. For decades, we’ve slowly convinced people to accept our valuation of humanity: people are no longer valued simply for who they are, rather for their contributions to others. That is how one can reconcile abortion, cloning, embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia in their hearts. One life is sacrificed because it has a lower value. Ironically, the aborted child’s sacrifice is the greater contribution because she gave her life. (Actually her life is taken by abortion. And overwhelmingly it’s little girls who are aborted, victims of infanticide or abandoned.)
People intuitively understand a life is sacrificed for another, so they have sympathy for a mother who aborts her child. They recognize the trauma in her choice. Your charge is to misguide this unavoidable sympathy through demands to decriminalize abortion in order to make it more accessible. We must shake off the evil stigma of abortion. Actually, the US Catholic Bishops agree with Amnesty International on decriminalization. The Enemy’s Church has long held that post-abortive women and men need mercy, healing and compassion. Let’s keep your patient from seeing such a logical position, lest he offer a much deeper sympathy.
Warmest Regards,
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Yo, the National Catholic Register ran a similar piece last month. Check it…
Deep Six
July 3rd, 2007 @ 8:57 PM