The Gay Music List
By Prof. Ernest ThornberryNovember 17th, 2006
Have you seen this one? An Christian organization called “Love God’s Way” has produced a list of Gay Bands. Make sure your patient see it.
“One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children’s listening habits, especially in this Internet Age of MP3 piracy.”
Love God’s Way
OMG, this warning is absolutely nonsensical. First of all, it sounds like they are implying that music is capable of causing same sex attraction. Secondly, the tie-in with “Internet Age of MP3 piracy” to their mission is a non sequitur. One is not related to the other. Finally, they fail to see how producing a list if bands without any explanation or history invokes McCarthyism. Hello! Smart bands will want their name added to the list! And they won’t have a problem since this apostolate solicits band names without any form of verification. Hilarious. A modern witch hunt!
I can understand people wanting to protect their children, but their mission is short sighted. You’d think they’d aim for the conversion of souls through humility and respect for human dignity. The Enemy calls his believers to treat everyone with respect. Make sure your patient scoffs at the hypocrisy.
Oh sweet irony, I’m jealous. Never underestimate the power of religious pride.
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