Gay Nativity?
By Prof. Ernest ThornberryDecember 20th, 2006
My Dear Bunglehorn,
What is it with your colleagues? Some of them are so gung ho over wreaking havoc, they plainly expose themselves. That’s a big no no. If there is anything you learn from me, I hope it is that we’re most affective when we practice nuance and subtly.
Of what am I speaking? This silly gay nativity prank in the Italian Parliament. It’s hardly necessary, even counterproductive, to bonk the dimwits over the head like this. I know it provides momentum for the fringe, but they will always be angry and easily stirred. We don’t want to excite the masses against us, which overwhelmingly take offense to something like this. No, it is far better to usurp their natural tendency toward fairness (albei a twisted idea of fairness). It is in that rich soil where we must plant the seeds of doubt.
Let me explain. The Enemy has bestowed on man a gift of righteousness. That is, a general sense of right and wrong, even if they’re unable to articulate it. Men have become so busy in wordly matters and spoonfed information, they often don’t recognize subtle layers of erroneousness, even when they sense something isn’t right. Their innate desire to love one another causes them to misunderstand how the painful act of declaring the grave state of their fellow man is actually an act of charity. You must never allow your patient to see this, rather you want to use his compassion in a way that he enables others to keep sinning.
So where did your peers err in their youthful exhuberance? Their overt statement actually reminds man of the Enemy’s intended vehicle for nurturing his perfect design of complete self-giving love: marriage and the family. Very slowly, for generations now, we’ve weakened marriage as a stronghold of the Enemy. Look around and see what we’ve accomplished. Divorce is no longer a stigma. The wide acceptance, even desire of mass contraception has cast a fog of confusion on matters relating to fertility, love and body. Premarital sex is the norm as is cohabitation. People are beginning to see themselves as machines, separated from even new life in the womb. We’ve managed to do this by justifying behavior on the grounds of individual feeling while also clouding any direct impact on society.

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Browse the classic Nativity imagery that transcends centuries. Attack it directly and you’ll expose our agenda.
The gay nativity is the kind of event that shocks them back to reality. They know the story of Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. Transposing the gay agenda onto such an iconic religious symbol will not compute for them. If anything, they begin to ask “How have we come this far? I don’t see the harm in allowing two gays to marry, but I never signed up for this!”
Think I’m wrong? Conservative UT students already projected it. (That project would have gained traction had we not quickly responded. Note the likable humor in the ACLU’s response. HA!, but don’t expect the fringe to see the students’ tongue-in-cheek. We’re hoping to position this as an “unprovoked attack.” Note the language of the group as disproving of the ACLU, rather than vice versa. After all, the ACLU is attacking the ancient institution of marriage. Pay attention, Bunglehorn, words have value! So many battles are won in the semantics.)
Granted, some men are going so far as to question the importance of family and human relationships. This is exactly what we want them to ask themselves. “Why is gender important?” and “Why do we place such import on outdated institutions like marriage and families with one father and one mother?” These questions are how the fringe justified the gay nativity “statement.” But keep in mind, we don’t want them to REALLY think about the answers. No, that will surely open a gambit for the Enemy to play. With that bittersweet policy of free will, the Enemy may sacrifice a bit of temporary confusion, yet still claim a victory when man yields to Truth. That is why we must constantly shade Truth.
Yours with Age,
2 Comments to “Gay Nativity?”
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What were they thinking? Especially of all times, man seems most sensitive to the Enemy’s call during the season of Advent. They still manage to hear the call despite all our years of commercial dilution. Get a grip on these rogue friends of yours. I’d urge all of you to practice damage control. Squelch the story ASAP. It’s a pathetic display.
December 20th, 2006 @ 4:31 PM
These shithot devils are going to turn back generations of clever work. Get it together youngins!
December 20th, 2006 @ 4:33 PM