About This Site
The Wigglebrick Intercepts are transcripts of secret communiqué captured by Guardian Angels during the perpetual War on Souls. Spawned in the Upper Echelon Choirs of the Fallen, these messages reveal diabolical attacks previously hidden to man. This series of letters are from a senior demon Wigglebrick to his apprentice Bunglehorn, instructing him in temptation strategies and tactics against his “patient.”
Wigglebrick is merely one report in a distinctive literary genre on Spiritual Warfare. It stands on top of the groundbreaking release of C.S. Lewis’s epistolary classic “The Screwtape Letters” in 1942. Peter Kreeft continued this investigation and documented his findings in the “The Snakebite Letters” as did Randy Alcorn in “Lord Foulgrin’s Letters” among others. These clandestine reconnaissance missions raise awareness, so men can reclaim the highground.
This site aims to shed light on the calculating, persistent and ingenious Dark Force in their effort to defeat their enemy (God).
There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall into about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them.
C.S. Lewis